Speaker Profile

M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Adela Inc.

Dr. Hartman is a highly trained medical oncologist with 15 years of industry experience in product development with expertise in the clinical development and commercialization of molecular diagnostics in cancer screening and oncology. With an interest in innovative technology platforms to improve patient outcomes and health care, Dr. Hartman has played a pivotal role in the development and commercialization of several molecular diagnostic tests in oncology. This includes leading the design and completion of several large scale clinical trials in early cancer detection and hereditary cancer screening. Her interest in innovative technology ultimately led her to co-found Adela to develop a best-in-class liquid biopsy test for early cancer detection and minimal residual disease detection that avoids the limitations of standard liquid biopsy approaches.

 Session Abstract – PMWC 2022 Silicon Valley

Track 5 - June 29 9.00 A.M.-9.45 A.M.

Early cancer detection technologies have huge potentials to change disease outcome and patient management, yet most of these technologies are still in development. This session discusses latest technological and clinical advancements, clinical limitations and challenges to overcome, and the potential for future applications using the various types of early detection biomarkers.