Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Case Western Reserve University

Dr. Crawford’s laboratory accesses large-scale epidemiologic and clinical data in electronic health records to characterize common and rare genetic variants associated with human diseases. A particular interest is in identifying pleiotropy (when a single gene influences two or more seemingly unrelated physical traits) and environmental modifiers of genetic associations, including pharmacogenomics (the study of how genes affect a person’s response to drugs). She has published more than 160 peer-reviewed manuscripts. Among her accomplishments was serving as principal investigator of the NIH’s Electronic Medical Records & Genomics (eMERGE) Network Coordinating Center and co-chair of the eMERGE Network’s Genomics Working Group. She also played a leadership role in the NIH’s Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study. She is currently serving a three-year term as an elected member of the American Society of Human Genetics Board of Directors.

 Session Abstract – PMWC 2020 Silicon Valley

Track 5 - January 22 1.00 P.M.-1.45 P.M.

There are many challenges to overcome to make health and genome sequence data part of routine health care: regulatory and reimbursement aspects, infrastructure requirements, or the challenges of ordering the tests and making the results available to the physician. This session will focus on some of these issues.