Speaker Profile

M.D., Medical Lead, Clinical Epidemiology Lead, and Business Development Lead, Pfizer vaccines

Dr. Swerdlow leads a diverse group of epidemiologists working on licensed and pipeline vaccines and helped develop epidemiologic projects worldwide. Before joining Pfizer, he worked at CDC for 25 years. From 2009- 2015 he was the Associate Director for Science, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) and also led the NCIRD Infectious Disease Modeling Unit. He was the CDC Ebola Response International Task Force Lead in August and September, 2014, and was Incident Manager (CDC lead) of CDC’s MERS Coronavirus Responses in 2013 and 2014. He held leadership roles during numerous CDC emergency responses including CDCs response to cholera in Haiti, Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1), Hurricane Katrina, smallpox vaccine adverse events, and the anthrax bioterrorism attacks. He spent 15 years at CDC studying foodborne diseases (Team Lead), viral and rickettsial diseases (Team Lead), and HIV/AIDS (Section Chief). His was educated at the University of California, San Diego (undergraduate), Harvard Medical School (MD), University of Washington, Seattle (internal medicine), CDC (Epidemic Intelligence Service), and Massachusetts General Hospital (infectious diseases). He is board certified in internal medicine and infectious diseases, was clinical assistant professor of medicine at Emory University, worked in the HIV Clinic at the Atlanta VA for 20 years, and was adjunct assistant professor at Rollins School of Public Health (lead instructor of two epidemiology courses and faculty council). He was on the Program Committee of IDSA, Co-Chair of the Pandemic Prediction and Forecasting Working Group (White House Office of Science and Technology), and is an Academic Editor at PLoS One. He has co-authored over 240 publications.