Speaker Profile

M.D., FACEP, Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Health Services Division, UPMC

Dr. Yealy obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Villanova University (1981) and a medical degree from the Medical College of Pennsylvania (1985). He then completed an emergency medicine residency (1988) and a research fellowship (1989) at the University of Pittsburgh. In his over 400 scientific publications, he is lead or senior author on NIH-funded efforts in airway management, acute pneumonia, acute heart failure, pulmonary embolism and sepsis care. Dr. Yealy is Deputy Editor of Annals of Emergency Medicine, edited seven scientific textbooks (including the best-selling texts in emergency medicine and in trauma care) and serves as a referee for 20 scientific journals. His work has changed clinical care in many life-threatening conditions, with his publications guiding national recommendations and being cited widely. In the past decade, Dr. Yealy received the highest research recognition by both the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM), the highest educational award by ACEP, and the leadership award for SAEM. He was bestowed the Ralph C. Wilde Award for excellence in care and leadership by the Allegheny County Medical Society, and the Alumni Achievement Award of WMC/MCP (2015), and the Lifetime Achievement Award (2020) from Drexel University College of Medicine. He sits on the Pennsylvania Board of Medicine. Finally, Dr. Yealy is member of the National Academy of Medicine.