Speaker Profile

Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, Alpha Genomix Labs

Dr. Hani El Shawa received his M.S from San Francisco State University in Physiology and Behavioral Biology and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Riverside in Neuroscience where he received several grants and awards to research the effects of prenatal ethanol exposure on intraneocortical circuitry, cortical gene expression, and behavior. Dr. El Shawa is an affiliate Science member of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) and a member of the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC), the Precision Medicine Coalition, the Society of Neuroscience and the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology.

PGx Showcase:
Alpha Genomix Labs

Alpha Genomix is a state-of-the-art molecular diagnostics facility dedicated to providing personalized patient care with proper identification of medical necessity.

Implementation Of Pharmacogenomics In A Clinical Setting
With pharmacogenomic testing being implemented more frequently over the past several years, the involvement of several key stakeholders including patients, physicians, and laboratories, is critical for the successful application of medically necessary testing.