Session Chair Profile

Ph.D., Independent consultant in Translational Sciences

John is a biotechnology translational medicine consultant with a comprehensive and deep understanding of the development and application of pioneering molecular procedures to the translation of research-grade biomarker assays into clinical-grade clinically adopted diagnostic tests. John oversaw the translation of an early stage research Next Generation sequencing test to a US government reimbursed and now widely adopted Laboratory Developed CLIA-CAP test for transplanted kidney rejection. He advises commercial translation efforts at Stanford University (SPARK) and University of California in San Francisco (CATALYST).

 Session Abstract – PMWC 2020 Silicon Valley

- January 23 11.00 A.M.-12.00 P.M.

Reimbursement of diagnostic tests are a core component of Precision Medicine. Convincing payers of the medical necessity of a new diagnostic test can be challenging. Timely access for patients with the most compelling unmet needs requires the reimbursement environment transition to a transparent value-based model using fit-for-purpose levels of evidence.