Speaker Profile

Ph.D., MBA, Founder and Associate Professor, DatAnon Corporation

Dr. Ramanujam is an Associate Professor of Bioinformatics at the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden). He has spent that last 10 years working on the development of novel methods in topological data analysis while completing postdocs in autoimmune disorders and mathematics, as well as competing a four year Assistant Professorship in epidemiology. This work has led to new techniques to both anonymize and analyze data, thereby providing a means for joint data sharing and analysis without exposing IP or risking regulatory noncompliance.These methods form the basis of founding DatAnon together with Professor Wojciech Chachólski of KTH The Royal Institute of Technology. The goal of DatAnon is to use its software platform to anonymize and jointly analyze data in order to identify patient responders in clinical trials and other datasets.


AI and Data Sciences Showcase:
DatAnon Corporation

Datanon means data anonymization. We have created a software platform based on geometrical methods which does two things very well: 1) anonymizes data for private data sharing and joint analysis and 2) determines patient responders.

Determining patient responders using anonymized geometrical methods
DatAnon anonymizes data and detects patient responders. Utility is demonstrated in Avelumb and public datasets.

 Session Abstract – PMWC 2023 Silicon Valley

Showcase Track S1 - January 25 9.00 A.M.-1.15 P.M.,Showcase Track S1 - January 26 11.30 A.M.-1.15 P.M.,Showcase Track S1 - January 27 11.00 A.M.-1.15 P.M.

The PMWC 2023 AI Company Showcase will provide a 15-minute time slot for selected AI companies to present their latest technologies to an audience of leading investors, potential clients, and partners. We will hear from companies building technologies that expedite the pre-clinical and clinical drug discovery and development process, accelerate patient diagnosis and treatment, or develop scalable systems framework to make AI and deep/machine learning a reality.